Ein Lebensbild - Eugen and Lilly Kolisko

This book is a biography of Eugen Kolisko (1893–1939) – student of Rudolf Steiner, Physician, Waldorfteacher and Lecturer.
It was written by his wife, an eminent Scientist who, inspired by Steiner’s spiritual scientific methods, devoted many years to her pioneering research of the connection between plants and planetary influences.
Lilly Kolisko’s book gives a deep insight into the development of Eugen Kolisko, mainly from his years in Vienna where he was born and educated as well as into major experiences during his time in Stuttgart.
But it is much more than a mere biography, for it unfolds also the tragic events within the Anthroposophical Society after Steiner’s death in 1925. In some of these events Eugen Kolisko played an active part, until his expulsion from the Anthroposophical Society in 1935. The last years of his life he spent in England, lecturing and writing until his early unexpected death on November 29 1939.
This book contains documents – for example, letters from Kolisko’s friend W.J. Stein and about a number of Anthroposophical Society assemblies in Dornach – to be found nowhere else.
At present this book is only available in the German language.
515 Pages
Price € 52,00
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